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发表于 2006-2-6 11:02:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Betray Love</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>背叛的爱情</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Love is hands to hands, soft and tender </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT color=#000000><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">爱情是手连手,温柔又软弱的.</FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Love is sweet and bitter</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT color=#000000><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">爱情是甜蜜又痛苦.</FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Love is trust and betray </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>爱情是信任又背叛</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Love is smile and cry </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>爱情是微笑和哭泣</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Love is happiness and sadness </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>爱情是欢乐和悲伤</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Love is always breaking heart and Love is tears.....</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>爱情是令人既伤心又流泪</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Love brings you sweet dream and ...</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>爱情给了你美好的梦想又</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>When you asked me where is the farest place in the world </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>当你问我那里才是世界才远的地方</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>i feel the answer is not the sky but you heart </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>我感觉答案不是天空而是你的心</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>If your love always go to the opposite side </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>如果爱情并不顺着意愿去发展</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>How can I follow you when you say you love me </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT color=#000000><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">当你说爱我时,让我如何去追随这份爱?</FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>When you asked me where is the ultimate true love in the world </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>当你问我最终的真爱在那里时</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>I put the answer into the sea and finally into my heart </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>我将答案放入海但最后回到我心里</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>If you always close your ears </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>如果你一直不愿意听我说话</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>How can you hear me when I say I love you </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT color=#000000><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">我如何去对你说我爱你?</FONT></FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Promises betray promises </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>承诺背叛承诺</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Knives betray love </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>爱情像刀子</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>It stabs into my heart but I can't see it </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>它刺入我的心但看不到</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>I even forget to cry and hate </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>我甚至忘记了去哭和敢恨</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>My face was numbed by the love </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>我脸上刻画着爱情的沧桑</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>permanencies betray permanencies </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>永远并不能永远</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>Tears betray eyes </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>泪水背叛了眼睛</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>I can't change myself as I love you so deep </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>任何都不能改变我对你的爱</FONT></P>
<P ><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000000>I prefer to believe your cheat </FONT></P>
<P ><FONT color=#000000><FONT face="Comic Sans MS">因为爱,我可以接受你的谎言</FONT></FONT></P>
发表于 2006-2-6 12:44:07 | 显示全部楼层
<P>ouchoushou </P>

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-6 13:56:11 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-2-6 14:49:18 | 显示全部楼层
<P>呵 呵 呵  得闲见下你先得!</P>

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-6 14:57:44 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-2-9 11:12:13 | 显示全部楼层
<P>thank you </P>
<P>for who you are</P>
<P>and who i am</P>

使用道具 举报